This past week we had Zone Conference in Budapest

July 8, 2019

This past week we had Zone Conference. The focus was mainly on better preparing people
for baptism and also helping the members in their ministering assignments.

Our zone
This past week was a little disappointing in that a lot of the investigators planned to come to
church, but they didn't show up. But there is always next week so no need to worry.

We meet with two young men who are about age 25 a couple times last week. We had a
lesson where we did a meeting house tour, and it went really well. We were able to very
clearly explain the doctrine of baptism as we looked at different paintings and showed them
the baptismal font. We even showed the video when Jesus was baptized. They both
expressed a desire to be baptized. We are excited to work with them and see them in
church with us in the coming weeks. 

We are working well with a returning member. He is an endowed Melchizedek priesthood
holder. He has been inactive for about 8 years but has attended church the past two
Sundays. We have lots of success in our lessons with him and we've even been inviting
ourselves to bike with him to church. 

Like usual we knock on doors and street contact people. From what I've noticed people are
a lot more willing to talk to us in this city compared to the other cities I have served in.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that this town is smaller and was a 100%
communist town. 

I don't know what happened to the birthday card, but it still wasn't there. My companion got
a card that was sent after my birthday. Maybe you can track it and see what's up with it.

Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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We had zone conference last week. My last one.

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