I came to Hungary when I was 19 and now I am 21

July 17, 2019
Book of Mormon 21 day challenge banner
Sziasztok mindenkinek, (Hi everyone)

We have been meeting with some returning members and recent converts in the branch. We had a good lesson with a man who was baptized in 1993. He is in his early 40's. We talked about faith and forgiveness of sins. The member who was present said he was a lot more open this time. He also has an 18 year old son that isn't baptized so it would be really good if we could work with him too. Hopefully we can help him get back to church in the coming weeks.

This past week we had Missionary Leadership Council and we were able to make some good Zone goals. In the Zone we are pushing for every unit to hold a special sacrament meeting that members can invite their friends to. In Dunaújváros and a couple other places in the zone there is already a set date for the sacrament meeting. There will be a special musical number, good talks, and a lunch afterwards. Ours will be on July 21. Our plan is that when we meet with members we will help them make plans to invite someone to the sacrament meeting.

Today we are In Budapest for my birthday, and we will be having exchanges. I came to Hungary when I was 19 years old and I am now 21 years old which is a little weird to think about. The time really flies by. I am glad I am here. I will be sure to cherish the remaining time I have left.

Üdvözlettel: (Best regards)
Udy Elder

1 comment:

We had zone conference last week. My last one.

August 12, 2019 Walking the streets of Pécs Jó reggelt mindenkinek! (Good morning everyone) This past week we had two people in ...