We had the chance to bike with him to church

July 1, 2019

Jó Reggelt Mindenkinek, (Good morning everyone)

Last week was really good. We are starting to see more progress in the work here. The woman we have been teaching and her 9 year old daughter came to church again this week which was really good. We had a really good lesson with her this past week. She likes how the people in our church live what they preach every day of the week. She really enjoyed our church services, and we are excited to help her learn more. 

Also a returning member came to church this past week. He hasn't been to church in years, so a lot of members were surprised to see him. We had the chance to bike with him to church to help motivate him.  In the past he has held a lot of callings in the church. We plan on helping him repent and return to full activity in the church. 

We are also continuing to meet with a couple members every week to help encourage them to do missionary work and especially to invite their friends to the special sacrament meeting on June 21st. We are excited to see what can result from the missionary work of these members. 

Our church building in Dunaüjváros

We also did a district finding activity this past week, in Budapest. We were in Kálvin square which is a really busy place in Pest. We had a ukulele, sang some songs, and used a couple of Book of Mormon banners. 

This week we started our English Connect class. We had a pretty good turnout, about 12 people.  Hopefully there will be more in the coming weeks. Quite a few church members came which was good. The Branch President and his wife came since they don't know English, and their son is going to marry someone from Malaysia so they want to be able to talk to her. 

Also this past week I got a smartphone. I never thought the day would come, but I finally got one on my mission. Since I go home soon I don't have to buy one and the mission gave me one to use until I go home.

Sok szeretettel, (Lots of love)
Udy Elder

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