We met with two students that go to the University here. One is from Zimbabwe and one is from Libya.

July 16, 2019
Our district
Jo Reggelt! (Good Morning!)
Today we received our transfer calls.  Both of us will be staying here.  I can’t believe the final transfer has finally come and it has been almost 2 years.  This past week we were able to visit a returning/part member family on two occasions.  The parents are members, but they have 2 young adult kids who live at home who are not members.  The parents have not been to church for a long time.  We had a good lesson with them where we read Moroni 6 and discussed it with them, and focused on the importance of coming to church.  The father came to church which was really good.  We plan to continue working with them from week to week to help them stay active and help the kids progress towards baptism.  Sadly one of the other returning members we are working with who came to church the past two weeks, didn’t make it to church this week. But we will do all we can to help him out as well.
A couple of weeks ago we met with two students that go to the University here in Dunaújváros.  One of them is from Zimbabwe and the other one is from Libya.  The one from Zimbabwe speaks an African click language, and he read the Book of Mormon to us in the click language which was cool to hear.  He downloaded the Book of Mormon app on his phone and he was really surprised to see his native language on there.  Also this past week we were in Budapest using the metro when we ran into a man named "M" as soon as se stepped on the metro.  He is from the Ivory Coast and moved here a few weeks ago.  He said he looked up the church on the internet, but he couldn’t find it in Budapest.  He went to church a few times in the Ivory Coast and really liked it.  It was crazy that we ran into him, and he ended up going to church in Pest this past week.
As far as people being taught, we had a handful of lessons last week, and people promised that they would come to church, but they didn’t show up..  The “invite a friend to church” in Dunaújváros will be this Sunday.  We are excited to see what results come from it. 
Forest we walk through 

Elder Udy

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