This past week was great!

April 15, 2019
Jó Reggelt!
Elders Udy and Bridges at the Györ zoo

This past week was great! We had two investigators in Church.  One of our investigators is a man from Mongolia. He first came to church in Pápa a few weeks ago and we were finally able to meet with him a couple of times last week. He is about 50 years old, and he has a wife and kids in Mongolia. He knows the church very well. He has attended church and met with missionaries in both Mongolia and Budapest. He moved to Pápa about a month ago with a group of Mongolians that work in a factory, and he is the interpreter for them since he speaks fluent Hungarian.  He is fluent because he lived in Hungary during his youth. We set a baptismal date for later this month. He is a really cool guy, and we are excited for him to get baptized.

We had Zone Conference and Interviews this past week.

Elders Gardner and Udy waiting for interviews

A member in the Budapest Stake Presidency was in our zone conference for a Q&A about how to do missionary work with the church members in Hungary. It was very insightful, and he stressed the importance of being excited about the work when around members so the same excitement can spread. 
Members here are very excited about the temple. It took everyone by surprise except President Hettinger. He shared with us an experience-- Ever since the Friday before general conference, he knew that there was going to be a temple announced in Budapest during general conference because he received a spiritual impression and on Sunday when they announced the temple, it was a spiritual confirmation to him. I have heard that the Church bought a sight for the temple a few years ago, and it is in a very noticeable and accessible location in Budapest. But we don't know where it is, not even the Budapest Stake President knows where the temple sight is.

We were able to teach the single mom I mentioned last week, and we taught her about the restoration of the gospel. She didn't come to church which was sad, but we will be going back to visit her this week so maybe next week she will come. This will be the last week of the transfer so next p-day will be on Tuesday. My guess is that we will both stay here in Pápa.
- Elder Udy  

1 comment:

  1. How exciting for the upcoming baptism, and what a blessing to have a temple in that area!


We had zone conference last week. My last one.

August 12, 2019 Walking the streets of Pécs Jó reggelt mindenkinek! (Good morning everyone) This past week we had two people in ...