It was a special experience and I'm glad I was able to be a part of it

April 23, 2019
Jó reggelt kívánok!  (Good morning)
This past week we were gone a lot from our area because we went to a new missionary training in Budapest and we also had exchanges in Győr.
Gyõr, Hungary
In Győr I was with Elder Spencer, and we had a very special experience. They day before the exchange Elder Spencer and his companion met with a woman that was scared to go into her apartment because she told him there was an evil spirit that dwelt there. Then she agreed for them to visit her in her apartment the next day. We went to her apartment that is on the top floor of a tall apartment building. There was a strange feeling in the apartment. She showed us around, and wouldn't even go into the living room because she was so scared. After we checked the apartment out for a bit, we talked with her and her 2 kids in the bedroom. She said that for about 50 days they have heard the doors slam shut and open, strange sounds coming from the room, something rubbing the carpet, and other stuff. After speaking with her, we were able to use our priesthood to cast out any evil spirit that was in the apartment, and afterwards we said a prayer to dedicate the home. The spirit of the apartment felt a lot better afterwards. Then a bunch of her family members came, who had also witnessed the same sort of stuff in the apartment.  Previously they had obtained holy water from a Catholic priest and had put it around the apartment. But it didn’t stop the strange occurrences. We were able to teach them all about priesthood authority and the restoration of the gospel. 6 of the people from that family came to church on Sunday in Győr, and they said they hadn't had any problems in the apartment since we were there. It was a special experience, and I am glad I was able to be a part of it.
An experience of a young man who used his Priesthood power 

Next week we will be starting an English class in Pápa. It is called English Connect, a program the church created to make English classes more structured. It seems really good, and it teaches people conversational English. After the 24-week program, the participants will receive a certificate of completion from LDS Business College. The class will be 90 minutes long --60 minutes devoted to English learning and then 30 minutes devoted to teaching self-reliance principles. We printed out a bunch of flyers and hopefully we can get a lot of people there next week. 
We also have been teaching a lot of people this past week about Christ’s atonement and resurrection, by using scriptures form the Bible and Book of Mormon. It was a great way to introduce the Book of Mormon to people as we talked about the atonement and resurrection. 
Yesterday we watched a lot of church history films on our little DVD player since it was a holiday, everything was closed, and there was nothing else to do. Since this will be the last week of the transfer, p-day will be on Tuesday next week. We don't know when we will be getting our new smart phones exactly, but we were told that during zone conference next transfer we will get a lot more information. 
-Elder Udy

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