The big announcement...a temple in Budapest, Hungary!

April 8, 2019

Jó Reggelt! (Good Morning)

This past week we met with some of our investigators to help them prepare for general conference. We had a couple come and watch one session with us and others said they will watch it later.. We watched two of the sessions in Hungarian and the other two in English. We didn't watch the Sunday afternoon session because of the time change, so we didn't hear the big announcement until this morning that the church will build a temple in Budapest, Hungary. I was not expecting that, and I thought a temple in Hungary would be a long way down the road, but the Lord has blessed the people of Hungary and will continue to bless them as they build and receive one of the houses of the Lord on the Earth. Maybe I will come back when it is completed in 5 years or so. It probably will serve the people of Hungary and also the surrounding countries like Romania and all the countries in south eastern Europe. Learn more about temples here
Watch 2 apostles lead a tour of the recently built and dedicated Rome, Italy temple...

Other than that we met with a woman who was taught by missionaries last year. She is a single mother of 5 kids. She works really hard trying to provide for her family and has a lot of faith. She has been to a lot of churches and said that our church or faith is the "purest" that she has come across. Before she gets baptized she wants to learn more. She said she will come to church and bring her 5 kids.

One of the talks I liked from general conference was from Neil A Anderson. He talked about how we can discern truth in a world where we face information overload. He said that "The scriptures, our prayers, our own experiences, modern prophets, and the gift of the Holy Ghost bring us a clear spiritual perspective of truth necessary for our journey here on earth." If we use these things, we can discern eternal truths that can help us in this mortal life.  (You can listen to Elder Anderson's talk below...)

Sok szeretettel,  (Lots of Love)
Udy Elder

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