This past week we were able to teach a handful of lessons

January 21, 2019

Jó reggelt kivánok mindenkinek!  (Good morning everyone)
This past week we were able to teach a handful of lessons and do some finding. We taught a man and a woman who somewhat regularly come to church. The older man we are teaching says if he met with missionaries 20 years ago he would have probably been baptized. But he said he had a spiritual experience one time when he prayed in a Catholic church. We went over the restoration with him. He has prayed about the Book of Mormon before, but he admitted that maybe his prayer wasn't as sincere as it should have been. We committed him to read and sincerely pray. Our other investigator we are teaching has trouble finding faith in God, so we talked a lot about that while reading a little bit out of Alma chapter 32 and focusing on prayer. Our main goal with her is to get her to pray on her own. 

We also met with a new young man who is about 23 years old. I originally met him on the street a few weeks ago when I took a couple new missionaries out proselyting for their first time. He is from Albania, but surprisingly speaks fluent Hungarian because he has lived here for 3 years. He is the kind of guy that is open to lots of religions. He has read from the Bible and Quran. We talked about the restoration and gave him the Book of Mormon in Albanian. 
A communist style building that we tracted and the doors looked exactly like the wall. 
On p-day last week we went to an escape room, which I have never done before. The scenario in the escape room was that we were at a metro stop and there was a bomb inside the metro that we needed to defuse. It was fun. We defused it with 1 minute left which was exciting. Today we went to an aquarium in Budapest that had a bunch of crocodiles and sharks and other cool things. 

Office work has been running smoothly. But this week with transfers being next week it will be busy since we have to plan all of the travel and finish all of the immigration. 
I hope I go to a really nice area for my last city. I still don't know if I am leaving the office next week or in another transfer, but I will probably find out tomorrow. 
Sok szeretettel,  (Lots of Love)
Udy Elder

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