I will be staying in Buda as a secretary

January 28, 2019
Jó Regegelt szeretett testvéreim az Úrban, 
This past week was really busy as we had to get ready for transfers. It is always the busiest because we have to plan all of the travel for everyone in the mission and we have to get all of the immigration documents ready for the new missionaries and for people changing addresses in Hungary. I will be staying in Buda as a Secretary for at least one more transfer. This will be my longest area when I leave (at least 25 weeks).  
We met with a returning member this past week.  He is from The Gambia, a country in West Africa. He was actually baptized in the 1980s in Holland, but he has lived in Hungary for years. He speaks English and Hungarian. He helps run a human rights organization where he helps people immigrate to Hungary. Since I have been in Buda, he has come to church only one time. We went to visit him and talked a little bit about the Book of Mormon.  Then he said his eyes are really bad, so we helped him read and reply to some work emails. From his apartment he runs this operation and it felt like we were back in the office for about 20 minutes. He is an interesting guy and we are excited to meet with him more to help him return to activity in the church.
We also met with a man who is from Afghanistan. He actually fought in Afghanistan under the US army. He said he used to be really religious but he started to lose his faith in God when he saw all of the atrocities of the war. He also can speak Hungarian and English. We read passages from the Book of Mormon with him that relate to his situation. We gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon in Persian which is his native language. 
I am excited for one more transfer in the office, but at the same time hopefully this one will be the last one so I can go somewhere else and proselyte full time. 
I remember seeing a couple months ago that there was someone called to Romania from Rockland. That is funny that you were at his farewell. His passport is sitting in one of my filing drawers. Romanian is only a 6-week language so he will arrive at the end of this next transfer, but most likely he will fly straight to Romania, but we will see. The birthday party looked good at the ranch. That’s crazy grandpa is 87 years old. 
Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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