We had 2 people we are teaching come to church

January 14, 2019
Jó Reggelt! (Good morning)
This past week we went to Dunaújváros for exchanges.  It is always nice and refreshing to go on exchanges there because we can spend the whole day proselyting and we don't have to worry about the office work, because if people call us we can just say we are in a different city. It was really good. I was with Elder Jameson. It surprised me how much more friendlier the people are there compared to Budapest. Almost every single person was willing to talk to us. 
Our office work has been busy as well. I've been doing the normal things getting immigration paperwork ready for the incoming Romanian missionaries and also extending apartment contracts in Romania, and all the other things. 
We had two people that we are teaching come to church which was cool. We met with one of our investigators who really likes the Catholic Church and our church, and goes to both services on Sunday. But he has some doctrinal issues with the Catholic Church.  We also did some tracting in this nice neighborhood, and the first door we knocked on let us in, and they were a Chinese family. It was pretty funny because they didn't know Hungarian and they didn't speak English very well.
To answer your question about the senior missionary couples and the language: There are no senior couples that can speak Hungarian. I don't think there ever was a senior couple here who has learned the language because it is too difficult of a task. There are some that can say a simple prayer and stuff, but no senior couple can speak it like the missionaries. A lot of people know English so the senior couples can usually talk in English to a lot of people. If not, then somebody needs to translate for them. For example, usually missionaries translate all of church for senior couples throughout the country because they can't understand. But maybe in about 20 or 30 years there will returned Hungarian missionaries called to Hungary as senior couples who can speak the language. 
That is it for this week. Hope you all have a good week!
Üdvözlettel: (Best regards)
Udy Elder

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