We were able to watch General Conference

October 8, 2018
Szervustok mindenkinek,
This past week we have been busy doing office work, but we were able to get out of the office by 2:00 a couple of days which was nice. The missionary work in our area has been pretty slow for a while so Elder Burnett and I have been trying to revive the work here. This past week when we were using our big Book of Mormon street banner, we talked to a bunch of people and were able to teach some people on Saturday about the restoration. One of them seemed pretty promising and was really willing to read and pray about the Book of Mormon.  
One afternoon we were at a stoplight and this lady asks us if we want free sandwiches.  She was a worker from KFC. So we said yes and walked into KFC. And it turned out they were doing product research and wanted random people's opinions on the sandwiches. So we each sat down at a table and were asked a ton of questions about 2 experimental KFC sandwiches for free food. 
Also this weekend we were able to watch General Conference. We were able to watch 3 of the 4 sessions. We haven't watched the Sunday afternoon one yet, but we will watch it sometime this week. Because of the time difference we watched the Saturday and Sunday Morning sessions at 6:00 pm, but it was cool because we were still able to watch live. 

Below are the Saturday and Sunday sessions of the church's 188th semiannual general conference...

I liked Elder's Uchtdorf's talk (Saturday afternoon session) when he talked about the three things we need to do as disciples of Jesus Christ: Believe, Love, Do. It is a pretty simple formula but sometimes learning to love and act just based on our belief in the Savior can be hard at times, But if we often reflect our thoughts to the Savior and our love for Him, then it is easier for us to love and serve others. Also it was interesting to hear President Nelson be so straightforward concerning the terminology we use for the name of the church and it's members. Just a few years ago the church embraced the term "Mormon" and had an entire campaign on it. But as missionaries and official representative of the church, it is especially important we follow the prophet's counsel on this, and refer to the church as its correct name, so others can start identifying us by the correct name.
That’s cool that Puerto Rico is getting a temple. Maybe at the dedication you guys can go so Dad can finally re-visit his mission. The google translate in dad's letter was pretty good. He called me a titkár (secretary) and the thing at the end says (to work hard and to play hard) but it was pretty close. This would be the most correct translation "dolgozz keményen. játssz keményen." 
Here are some pictures of a hike we went on last week.

Elders Burnett, Udy, Spencer, and Martin

Udy Elder 

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