Elder Quentin L. Cook is coming

Elder Quentin L. Cook

October 16, 2018
Jó reggelt! (Good morning)
I forgot to tell you last week that Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles is coming to visit Hungary and Romania next week. He will first go to Romania and meet with people on Monday, and then on Tuesday he will be in Hungary. Tuesday morning he will meet with the missionaries in Hungary. It will be a super special experience for us to hear from an Apostle of the Lord, and maybe since I'm in the office, I will be able to spend a little extra time with him-- we'll see. 
As usual we were super busy with office stuff. I have been trying to get the Romanian immigration paperwork ready, but apparently they passed some new law or something and we have to fill out a different form for our health insurance. However, the form is only in Romanian, so I have to somehow figure out how to fill it out. We also took the mission president's car to get an oil change and an inspection this past week.
We also went on splits to Dunaújváros. It was a good time. I was with Elder McCann who is from Australia. We went to a village to teach a married couple,  the husband is French and doesn't know Hungarian or English, and the wife is Hungarian. So we taught in Hungarian and then the wife would translate everything into French so the husband could understand. They were super Catholic, but they were interested in our message, so it was good.
This past week the Buda ward had a concert, and we sang in the choir. It always seems that the women outnumber the men in these kinds of choirs, so they dragged us missionaries into it. But it was really cool to participate, and there were a lot of good singers. 
Also, President Hettinger got rid of the 6-month suit season, which was very good because now I don't have to wear out my suits anymore and I don’t have to where a suit even though it may be hot outside. 
Tisztelettel,  (Sincerely)
Kedves Udy Elder Úr (Kind Mr. Elder Udy) 
(This is how a lot of landlords address me when I e-mail them.) 

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