We were made editors on the official Hungarian Facebook page for the church

October 1, 2018
This past week we were super busy and we had to spend a lot of time in the office. It was transfer week so I had to get everyone's immigration papers ready. Earlier I got power of attorney, from the guy who is the official representative of the church in Hungary, so I can sign my name in place of his name on a bunch of immigration documents. Also this week the Romanian APs (Assistant to the mission President) came to Budapest.  We got to pick them up from the airport at 9:30 at night, and they stayed with us for 2 nights. They are really cool, one is from Sweden and the other one is from Finland. Since there is no mission office in Romania, they have to dump all of the Romanian stuff on us. So they taught us a little bit about how things work in Romania. Also a guy from Germany came who does finances for the church, and we shifted some of the responsibilities around in the office. Now some of the senior couple's finance responsibilities are on me. I have to prepare expense reports and have the mission president sign off on them now. 
Later in the week 2 more guys came from Germany to train us on using Facebook in our mission, and again we picked up another Romanian missionary companionship from the airport so they could participate in the training. They also stayed with us for 2 nights. Currently in Hungary there is a missionary Facebook page for every city, but that is going to change.  There will only be a few companionships who are authorized to use Facebook, the office Elders being one of them. They made us editors on the official Hungarian Facebook page for the church which was pretty cool, and then at the end of the training we posted something and paid money to boost it. Our job is pretty much to invite people to like the page, and then when they do we send messages to them and start a conversation. Also we are supposed to respond to both the negative and positive comments we see on the posts. And we will have a budget, and we can choose what posts we want to boost so more people can see it. It will be interesting to see if we can get any good missionary work out of it. 
Elder Burnett, Me, and 2 missionaries serving in Romania
Also the mission office phone is on my desk so I get to answer a lot of fun and interesting phone calls from landlords and immigration offices, and also random people. As a secretary I have been learning all sorts of cool new business and legal words, so hopefully by the end I'll have a vocabulary to be a Hungarian lawyer.  

My desk in the mission office
On Sunday it was the Primary program at church (children’s program), so that was cool to see. It is my first time serving in a ward instead of a branch, and it is weird to have so many people in church. As of now the missionary work in our area in Buda is going really slow, but Elder Burnett and I set some goals and made a vision for this transfer, so hopefully we can see some success down the road.
There are about 120 people that come to church here in Buda. There are 2 companionships that cover the area--the office secretaries and the APs.
Too bad BYU lost to Washington that would have been really good. But you got to go to the game so that was cool.
Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder 

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