Busy, Busy, Busy

October 22, 2018
Jó reggelt mindenkinek!  (Good morning everyone)
Last week was another busy one like always. There is a recent convert, who was baptized in July in our area named 'Z' who we met with. He is some kind of medical doctor and I guess for years he has taken trips to Salt Lake City for his work and lot of the people he worked with there are members of the church and then earlier this year he came to the missionaries wanting to join the church. Anyway, we met with him and talked about family history and he showed us a bunch of records that he has of his ancestors that he wants to put on family search. 
Also we had a young guy show up to church who we first contacted on Facebook a few weeks ago. He was looking for a new church to join and he was interested in coming to church one Sunday. He works as a police officer in Budapest and is a cool dude, and he was listening with intent to all of the talks during sacrament meeting. He said he is coming again next week and we are excited to meet with him during the week. 
There is this old guy that I knew from Kapsovár. He isn't a church member or being taught by missionaries, he is just a guy who really likes missionaries and goes to English class. He is known around the mission as the guy who randomly visits the missionaries across the country. Anyway, he visited us a couple Mondays ago and we went to a really famous old church called Saint Matyas (Matthias) church, and he pretty much just gave us a tour and told us all about the history. 

Matyas church was rebuilt in the 1300's

Reproduction of the Holy Crown and Coronation Regalia

Other than that we are really excited to see Elder Cook tomorrow. He is currently on the other side of the mission in Romania but tomorrow morning he will be here in Budapest and he will talk to the missionaries. And then in the evening he will speak to the Church members and luckily we get to go because the Buda ward choir is singing a song and we are in the choir. The last time an Apostle visited Hungary was when the Budapest stake was created--like 12 years ago.  It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to have an Apostle of the Lord visit your mission and I want to make it a memorable experience for me.

Zone Conference last week
Our apartment is on the same street as the mission home. It is about a 20 or 30 second walk, we just live across the street. It is really convenient as the office secretaries. If we go somewhere close we usually just walk, but we also have public transport passes that let us go on the buses and also on the subways in Budapest. That is goooood that you were able to give the BoM to the kid. Hopefully he will read it and meet with the missionaries in the future. I don't know what I want for Christmas. The reason that letter (telling parents they should only send padded envelopes for packages at Christmas) was sent out is because it is really hard to transport packages from the mission home to Romania since those missionaries never come to Budapest, and if they do it is usually by plane, so in order to be fair it was made the same in both countries. But it is no burden because I'm the one who usually signs for all the mail, and all I have to do is just take my package across the street. But I still need to think of what I want. I think my contacts are good but I can check and make sure.
Sok szeretettel,  (Lots of Love)
Udy Elder

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures!It looks like the old guy gave you a great tour.


We had zone conference last week. My last one.

August 12, 2019 Walking the streets of Pécs Jó reggelt mindenkinek! (Good morning everyone) This past week we had two people in ...