I learned what it means for an Apostle to stand as a special witness of Jesus Christ

October 30, 2018
This past week Elder Cook from the Quorum of the 12 apostles came and visited Hungary, also Elder Sabin from the European area presidency came. On Tuesday morning they met with us missionaries in the stake center building in Pest. It was really, really cool. Everyone got to shake Elder Cook’s hand.

Hungarian missionaries ready to listen to Elder Quentin L. Cook--
Elder Udy 2nd row center
And then he spoke to us during the missionary meeting about Elder Ballard's talk during General Conference. The Vision of the Redemption of the Dead--Elder Ballard  Also he revealed to us what we could be doing better as a mission mainly with planning and bringing people to church. He said that for every 2 people that come to church in Mexico 1 person is baptized. And for every 5 people that come to church in Russia one is baptized, and those are the two ends of the scale. So if we manage to get around 3 or 4 people to church someone will be baptized. 
In the evening he spoke to the members in the same building, and people from all over the country came, and all the seats were filled. In that meeting Elder Cook talked about families and moving towards a more home-centered church. In both meetings he gave his special witness of Christ. And both times when he bore testimony of Christ the Spirit was felt very strongly by everyone. I learned what it means for an Apostle to stand as a special witness of Jesus Christ. 
I got to see some people that I have taught from Székesfehérvár and Szeged who came. A lady I taught in Székesfehérvár came, and it was really good to see her, also one of the people who I was teaching in Szeged came. When we taught him we could never commit him to a baptismal date. But I guess sometime after the meeting, he decided he needs to get baptized and his baptism is this weekend.  Also we sang in the choir during the evening meeting. 
We also had the chance to teach someone over Skype. There were sister missionaries in Romania who were teaching a church member's boyfriend. The church member knows both Romanian and Hungarian but the boyfriend only knows Hungarian. So we got to Skype them so the lessons could be taught in Hungarian.
The man who came to church last week is abroad right now so we couldn't meet with him. But we taught a lady who is about 60 years old and we focused the lesson on the atonement and partaking of the sacrament and invited her to church. At first she was hesitant, but she came to church and sat with a member and she seemed to like it. 
Also we had interviews last week. We are getting another senior couple in the office that is coming next weekend because the workload is too much for 4 people. So we will have to allocate the office responsibilities and set up a couple more desks and computers. It will be really good because right now we have so much that we are doing in the office. 

Office Elders
There is a YSA (Young Single Adult) activity every Friday night in the Buda church building. There is a senior couple in Hungary that works with the YSA and they organize it. We go to it every week and eat dinner. This past week was a Halloween party and a lot of people showed up, about 50, which was cool. My costume was supposed to be "Facebook" because the word "book" was written on my face.

YSA Halloween Activity--Facebook costume
Roast Beef Dinner. Yum!

I don't really know what I want for Christmas, good snacks that aren't available here are always good. Hot chocolate packs are good. Ties and socks are good. I'll try and take some more pictures this week.
Sok szeretettel,    
Udy Elder

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