This week was super busy

Jó reggelt fivéreim és nőtestvéreim, 

This week was super busy again. We didn't have a lot of finding time. We met with a lot of people, and we finished cleaning the other apartment because on Saturday there was a senior couple who came by to check the apartment and make sure we did a good job clearing everything out and cleaning it.

The work here can be a little frustrating at times because the people we teach who are ready for baptism don't want to accept a date, and the ones who aren't ready for baptism yet are super willing to be baptized on any date. But the work is progressing here, and I am excited to see what the future brings.

Last P-day we went to a museum here in Szeged. There was no particular theme to the museum, but it had a bunch of stuff on dinosaurs. But since there aren't a lot of dinosaur fossils in Europe, almost all the fossils came from Utah and Arizona. It also had displays on paprika and slippers because those are a couple of things that Szeged is known for. Some of the best paprika in the world comes from Szeged.

On Saturday we went with members of the elders quorum presidency to visit church members in a town called Hódmezővásárhely. The literal translation is Beaver Field Market Place. There actually used to be a missionary companionship in the city some years back. It was nice to go there, and then afterwards they took us out for dinner.

On Sunday we gave the members fresh copies of the Book of Mormon with the “21 day Book of Mormon Challenge Initiative” with the hope that they can give it to a friend and read it with them.  Click for link to 21 day Book of Mormon Initiative

Last week I hit my 1-year mark on my mission. I didn't burn a shirt yet, but hopefully this week I'll get to do that. I have really loved my time and service on my mission and the chance I have to bring the gospel to the Hungarian people. 

The Land Lady came over and almost got rid of the hornet problem but it is still there. 

Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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