It will be cool to see the entire family together in the Gospel

Sept 10, 2018
Jó reggelt mindenkinek!
This week we were super busy again. We had Zone Conference and learned a bunch of stuff about Personal, companionship, and language study. We gave a training on language study and it went well. After Zone Conference we got a really huge banner that is like 8 feet tall that looks really good that advertises the 21 Day Book of Mormon Challenge.  We had two with us since we went on splits after Zone Conference so we put them up on both sides of the street. But the wind was starting to blow them down so we had to tie them to a pole to keep them upright. 
On Saturday a senior couple came to meet the landlord of the other apartment. Sadly nothing was signed yet because the landlord wants all of the beds and tables out of there because they are going to sell the apartment. So this week we have to figure out how to get rid of all of our furniture. It doesn't help that the apartment is on the 5th floor without an elevator. We will probably just take a crowbar and a sledgehammer and just destroy it all. 
Last p-day we went to the zoo in Szeged. I went with super low expectations and surprisingly it was pretty decent. They had a bunch of different kinds of animals like tigers, lions, penguins, elephants, zebras, and a lot more. 

One of our investigators, who is a 9-year boy, has accepted a baptismal date for October 6th. His step-dad has been a member for over 20 years I think, and earlier this year his mom and his older sister were baptized. So it will be really cool to see the entire family together in the Gospel. 
- Elder Udy

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We had zone conference last week. My last one.

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