The Book of Mormon 21 day challenge

August 27, 2018
Szervusztok mindenkinek,
The church in Europe has a Book of Mormon initiative called the “Book of Mormon 21 day challenge.”  Each day has a question like “Is there a god?” or “How can I be a better person?” or “How does God communicate with us today?” and then along with each question there are scripture references from the Book of Mormon that help answer the question. To help better implement this into our missionary work, we made a Zone plan to give a Book of Mormon to every family or individual member at church along with the 21-day calendar. And then it is their challenge to give the Book of Mormon to one of their friends or neighbors and read it with them. Also next Sunday during fast Sunday we will fast and pray as a congregation for opportunities to share the gospel with those around us. We are really looking forward to this, and we can't wait to see the blessings and the miracles that can come from reading the Book of Mormon.  To learn more about the Book of Mormon and obtain your free copy click here
We still have been super busy with cleaning the other apartment and being the only companionship in Szeged.  On top of that, I just moved into an apartment where we have killed a couple of hundred hornets since I've moved in. Somehow there is a hornets’ nest in the door frame of the front door and there is a hole where they can escape, but we have used a ton of spray to kill them and it always seems that more dead hornets show up on the ground. Hopefully we can get it fixed this week. 
Also we had a really cool experience at church with one of our investigators. This past week during the lesson he said that he will be baptized and he knows this is the right way, but it is very difficult to commit him to a date. After sacrament meeting and Sunday school one of the members had the impression to talk to him and ask him why he isn't a member yet. They ended up talking for and hour and our investigator received a blessing from the member to help him receive his answer about baptism. And he committed to pray sincerely about baptism and when he should be baptized. It was really cool to see the Spirit work through the member and then he acted based on the prompting he received.  
Also you probably already know but whips are a very big thing here in Hungary.  They are just like bull whips and I have tried it out a couple times.  I was wondering if I were to purchase one would you two be willing to chip in? 
Szeretettel ölel, 
Udy Elder

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