We introduced him to the 15-step program to stop smoking

August 7, 2018
This past week was another good one. Last week on p-day we went to the Tisza River which runs through Szeged. We did a little fishing but the only problem is that the Tisza is more like a dump than a river. The water was straight brown. I don't think I have ever seen a dirtier river.
Tisza River

On p-day we also went whipping which means that we had a Hungarian whip and we just threw it around and made a lot of really loud noise. 
Yesterday we had our first interviews with President Hettinger. It was weird to talk to the Mission President in English. It felt so much different from the previous interviews I have had with the mission President.  It was really nice to be with him and Sister Hettinger. He is always using slang and cracking jokes and asking for the perspectives of missionaries on topics. He is a really good leader and we are lucky to have him as our mission President. 
The Hettinger's
One of our investigators, who has a baptismal date for September 15th, smokes a lot--which really isn't a weird thing here. It is a normal thing to see a bunch of young teenagers smoking in this country. So we introduced him to the classic 15- step program to help him quit smoking because he only has 1 month to quit. The program is really good because it combines scientific ways that have been proven to help people stop smoking with faith.  Info on 15 step program to stop smoking
Also again this week Izabela Geambasu came to Szeged. She is a church member from Romania who sings really well and is doing a tour around Hungary. I already saw her once in Székesfehérvár, but I got to see her one more time here in Szeged. To promote the event we went into a bunch of businesses and put fliers up and also passed out a ton of them. 
Izabela Geambasu singing "I Know That My Reedemer Lives"

This is also the last week of the transfer. It has flown by probably because it was only 5 weeks instead of 9. But we'll see what is in store for me and what changes come next week.
Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder 

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