The most I've eaten in Hungary

July 30, 2018

Last week was a busy one because we were in Buda for 2 days and we had to do a bunch of planning, but it was good. Last Monday we went over to a member’s house for lunch. It definitely was the most I have eaten in Hungary. The meal started with a meat soup, and then came fruit soup, and then the potatoes, a little salad, chicken, and turkey. After that we had some beef, which was followed by some cake. And after that we had some watermelon which was then finished off by some ice cream. It took us about 2 1/2 hours just to eat all of the food. It's nice to have actual Hungarian food every once in a while. It was really good, and I probably will go back a couple more times because he loves to cook for the missionaries.
Meat Soup
Fruit Soup
Potatoes, Salad, Chicken and Turkey

This week we also had Zone Conference in Buda. We gave a training on finding through members. When President Hettinger came into the mission, I think he was a little shocked by how much tracting we do in this mission. So he is trying to change that a little bit by setting goals and making plans to work with members. After Zone Conference we went on splits with the APs in Buda which was cool. I have never spent more than just a few hours in Budapest so it was nice to stay for at least one day. We went to a Young Single Adult activity and just chilled and played ping-pong and stuff and talked to the non-members who were there. 
AP- Spencer Elder with Udy Elder

I also figured out my release date. As of right now, I am set to end my mission August 29, 2019. So I will have about 4 days back until the start of classes at BYU. So I could end up like one of those people that go straight to school from the airport. It will be interesting to see how it works out that’s for sure. 

Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder 

1 comment:

  1. Fruit soup sounds interesting. Sounds like you are about half way there, that's awesome!


We had zone conference last week. My last one.

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