I find joy and happiness in this work

August 14, 2018
Today was transfer call day. I will be staying here in Szeged as a Zone Leader and Elder Willes is going home to California. Elder Smith who is actually already serving here will be my companion. We get along really well, so it should be a fun time. Again the mission got a lot smaller this transfer. 6 Elder companionships  had to be taken out of Hungary and 1 companionship got taken out of Szeged so we will have the entire city to ourselves next transfer, a city of 250,000 people. But hopefully sometime in the future more missionaries come in. 
There is a really old, big Jewish synagogue that is right next to our church meeting house, so on p-day we went and visited it. It is the 2nd largest synagogue in Hungary and actually the 4th largest one in the World so it was pretty cool to see. When we went in they gave us 2 instructions. 1)  Put on a Yamaka 2) Take pictures. So that is what we did. Also there was a little tour so we went on that too. 

Szeged Synagogue

This past week we also translated an article from English to Hungarian about members of the church and playing professionals sports on Sunday, because one of our investigators who is 11 years old doesn't want to get baptized because he said in the future his soccer matches will be on Sunday when he is professional. We went to a little village to deliver the article but there were 3 bus stops in the town and we weren't sure which one to get off at. Of Course we got off at the wrong one and we were a few kilometers away from where we were supposed to be. But luckily Hungarians in the small towns are super nice and we were able to get a ride from a stranger which was nice. Hopefully the article helped him resolve his concern.  I find joy and happiness in this work and I am excited to see what the next transfer brings. 
That fire in Kennewick looks baaaadddd. Good thing we didn't buy that house that got burned down. I remember touring it and liking it, but at least you still have a house that isn't in flames. Also I got the package from Lon and Carleen, and it was good to eat all of those Butterfingers for breakfast. 
Sok szeretettel,     
Udy Elder

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