I come home one year from today

August 22, 2018

This week has been really busy. My new companion is Elder Smith. He is from Utah and has been on his mission 2 months longer than me, so a little bit over a year.
Smith and Udy Elders
Since there is only 1 companionship is Szeged, we are super busy because the apartment I was in last transfer needs to be closed down. It is on the fifth floor of a building with no elevator and we have to take almost everything out, and after being a missionary apartment for many years there is a lot of junk that needs to be thrown out. Also we have to clean it really good. On top of that we have a ton of investigators now since there is just one companionship in Szeged, and we have to find time to meet with all of them. 

Also this week we had Missionary Leadership Council in Budapest. All of the missionary leaders from Romania attended, and they flew into Budapest for it. 
Missionary Leadership Council

Lunch at MLC meeting
The meeting was on Tuesday, but on Monday we went to Budapest and we just got to walk around Budapest doing a scavenger hunt. We saw all the cool sites. I'll attach some pictures. 
Hungarian Parliament Building

Statue of Ronald Reagan

Statue of George Washington

Scavenger Hunt team

City Street

It was fun because it was the first time I got to spend a day in Budapest looking at all the sights.  Monday was also a holiday celebrating Hungarian’s independence from the Soviet Union and Communism.  The meeting was good, we are going to try and come up with some goals/initiatives for our Zone this week. 

I also found out that my release date is not actually August 29th but August 22nd. So a year from today my mission ends. They moved it up a week so the people going home wouldn't have any problems with going to school. So if you guys want, you can probably pick me up now. 

Szeretettel ölel, 

Udy Elder

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