The Dragon Boat World Championship was held in Szeged this week

July 23, 2018
This past week was busy because we went on two different splits. But sadly, since this transfer is only 5 weeks we aren't traveling to the other cities in the Zone-- everyone just comes to us instead. I got to spend a day with Elder Barton who is a new missionary who has only been here for a week. It is always nice to be around new missionaries and relive the struggles everyone goes through. 
Elders Willes, Barton, Huber, and Udy

This last week in Szeged was packed with a ton of foreigners. The Dragon Boat World Championship was held in Szeged this past week. I had no idea what it was before. It is basically just people racing giant Viking size canoes and also at the front of the canoe there is a guy with a drum. There were 6,000 competitors in it and they just flooded the streets. Whenever we went downtown to talk to people It was about a 50/50 shot that the person we talked to was going to understand Hungarian. But it was cool because we met a ton of people from America, Canada, England, Australia, and other places in the world. And we even met a couple church members.  (The following pictures were found online of the dragon boat races in Szeged)

This week we had a couple investigators come to church which was nice. Now we just have to try and get them to accept some baptismal dates. Also this week we have Zone Conference so that will be good to look forward to. 
Votive Church of Szeged--4th largest building in Hungary

This church serves as the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Szeged-Csanád

The Southeast Zone is definitely the smallest one in Hungary. There are only four cities and 17 missionaries. As zone Leaders we only hold baptismal interviews for investigators taught by the district leaders in the Zone. And there are only 2 district leader companionships. As of now I think we have one interview that we have to do in a few weeks.  I still don’t know my release date, but that would be good to know soon. 
Sok szeretettel, 
Udy Elder

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