I moved to Szeged--on the border of Serbia and Romania

July 16, 2018
Last week was a really good one. I left Székesfehérvár and moved to Szeged. Szeged is in South East Hungary right next to the border of Serbia and Romania. Szeged is also the 3rd biggest city in Hungary. It is a lot bigger then the other cities I have served in.

They also speak with a little accent over here in Szeged. A lot of the times they replace the vowel "e" with "ö" so even though the pre-verb "fel" , which means "up" is spelled like that, they pronounce it like "föl", but I have already pretty much gotten used to it.

My companion is Elder Willes he has been on his mission for almost 2 years and he is going home after this transfer in 5 weeks. Also he has been in Szeged two separate times on his mission, so he has spent almost a year in this city, and he knows everything about it. He is the first old companion I’ve had, so he speaks really good Hungarian and I can learn a lot from him. He is going to BYU when he gets back and he will be on the Lacrosse team. And last transfer there was an elder and sister companionship in this city but now there are just 2 elder companionships so everything is just lining up perfectly here. We will be able to do a bunch of finding activities with them and stuff on p-day so I am really looking forward to it. 
The branch or congregation here is a lot bigger and friendlier that the other ones I have served in. The meeting house is also super big and nice. There are about 50 people that come to church on Sunday and they are actually really supportive of missionary work which is fantastic.  Also the apartment I'm in is the biggest and nicest one I have been in so far which isn't saying much, but it is still good. And now that I am a Zone Leader in the SouthEast Zone, and somehow I skipped being a district leader, I get to go on 1 or 2 splits every week which will be very fun and exciting.  Right now we have a lot of people we are teaching and working with, so hopefully we can have a few baptisms here in the next couple months. 
I don’t have any pictures this week, but I'll be sure to get some next week. Tell Tyler I said “happy birthday.”
Szeretettel ölel,
Udy Elder

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