New mission president

July 3, 2018
This past week has been a very exciting one with teaching lots of lessons, finding new investigators, and getting a new mission and a new mission president. Today we went up to Budapest and met with the new mission president, President Hettinger. He has been the mission President for Romania for the last year but now the countries are combined into one mission. He is a really funny and upbeat guy, and I think he can bring a lot of positive energy into the mission. He also has a law degree from Columbia University so he also must be a pretty smart man. It should be exciting to serve under him during this next year. Also I got 2 more greatly appreciated packages for my birthday, I don't think I am going to run out of peanut butter any time soon.
And possibly the best thing that happened was the church increased the amount of money we Hungarian missionaries receive every month for food and other expenses. It went from about 55,000 forint to about 70,000 forint which is great since we never get fed and that means we have to spend a lot of money on food ourselves, now I no longer will have to live off of bread and potatoes for the last week of every month. 

This week will be a good last week of the transfer. The baptism for our investigator will be on Saturday. She is in her low 50s and she first met with missionaries on the street. We have been teaching here for about 3 months, and she has come to church just about every week. It has been great to watch her live the gospel and gain a testimony of it. 
We haven't gotten a new call letter yet, but maybe we will--that would be cool. The Bradshaw's came and kept saying how clean our apartment is, maybe I get the standard of cleaning from always having a clean house growing up. Kenneweek looks like it is fun with Noah and Bird dog hanging out together. Too bad you have to rent a truck all the way in Portland. Anyways that is all for this week. 
Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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