Baptism, transfers, and zone leader

July 10, 2018
This week was a really good one to finish off the transfer. 
This morning we received our transfer our calls. Now that we are a new mission the transfers will no longer be 9 weeks but they will be like most other missions in the world and be 6 week transfers, but this upcoming transfer is only going to be 5 weeks in order to get on the same schedule as Romania. So it is going to feel really short and fly by. I have enjoyed my opportunity to train and I will be leaving Székesfehérvár and be going to Szeged. Unfortunately I got called as a Zone Leader so that means I have to worry about other stuff too. But the good thing is, I think I will be able to go on a split almost every week so it should be good to see all the diffrent cities. 
Last week was also the first week with President Hettinger as the Mission President. Which meant there are now a handful of new rules and standards in the mission. He wants us to hold our weekly district meeting in Hungarian and only talk to other missionaries in Hungarian. It seems kind of ironic to me that when we had a Hungarian mission president he didn't care as much if we spoke English at district meeting, but the rule change doesn't matter much to me though. 
This week our investigator Éva was baptized. We went to the a local indoor pool because there is no baptismal font in our building. Her family came which was great. She has 2 daughters and a Jewish husband, but he is totally fine with her getting baptized. Elder Montoya performed the baptism and I performed the confirmation in sacrament meeting. 

Also the same day as the baptism there was a music concert/devotional from a Romanian woman named  Izabela Geambasu in Székesfehérvár. She is a church member from Romania, but she also knows Hungarian, and she a doing a tour around the country where she sings a bunch of songs. That was really cool to see. (Here's a link to Izabela singing "If the Savior Stood Beside Me")

Also this week we met with some Brazilians and gave them a Portuguese Book of Mormon. It was weird because it was the first lesson in my whole mission that we taught in English. They also fed us Brazilian food, and now I have almost been fed more Brazilian food than Hungarian food here. It was good. I thought Jackson and Tyler might think it was funny that we taught Brazilians in Hungary. 

Kenneweek looks like it was good. Noah looks really good with the MAGA (Make America Great Again) hat. It suits him well.  
That is it for this week. I am excited to move to a new city and experience new people, places, and friends.  
Sok szeretettel, 
 Udy Elder

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