Who knew our English class could be a matchmaking place

June 25, 2018
This past week was good. Our investigator Éva had her interview and the baptism will be on July 7th, the last Saturday of the transfer. It will be good to end the transfer on a high note. Also while tracting this week, we found a family who actually first met each other at our English class 5 years ago, and then they got married 3 years ago. Who knew that our English class could be a matchmaking place. So they were excited to see missionaries again. 
The new mission president, President Hettinger comes this week, and the Romania and Hungary missions will officially form the Hungary Romania Budapest Mission. So that will be exciting. It was a little sad writing my e-mail to the mission president today because it was the last chance I have to write my mission president in Hungarian. But having an American Mission President will be nice. Also today we went to Bory Vár, the castle I went and visited probably about 16 weeks ago. 

Bory Vár Castle
The dictionary has been really good to learn the different uses of words. And this week we have cleaning checks so maybe I could get my package then, but if not we will be in Budapest next week to meet the new mission president.  Also next week the library will be closed so I think I will email on Tuesday. And I think Hungary didn't qualify for the World Cup. To qualify they had to place first or second in the pre-qualifying round with all the Europeans countries. And Portugal and Switzerland were in the same group as Hungary, so they got 1st and 2nd and Hungary got 3rd and did not get to go to the World Cup. 
Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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