Transfers will be every 12 weeks

May 22, 2018
Yesterday was another Hungarian holiday where no one worked and all of the stores were closed. It seems like one of these happens just about every other week. But this time it was Pünkösd, or Pentecost.   
Nothing too exciting happened this past week. It has been a change of pace being a trainer and having to do most of the talking during lessons. We have one investigator who has come to church a few times, and we asked her to be baptized. She said she will, but she doesn't feel prepared yet, so we will have to work on that and hopefully there will be a baptismal date for her sometime in the near future.  We learned that there is going to be about a 2 month break for all of the English classes we teach as missionaries at the end of the transfer before the new mission president comes in. I don’t know why, maybe they will try and restructure it and try and make it a more effective finding tool. 
The elevator in our 10-story communist apartment building
Also we found out that after this transfer when we combine with the Romania mission our transfers in Hungary will go from 9 weeks to 12 weeks. Since Romania is on 6-week transfers and we are on 9-week transfers, due to the longer MTC language training, when the missions combine they need to be on the same transfer cycle. So we will change to 12 week transfers and the Romanian mission will stay at 6 week transfers. I am a little upset about it because that means we will most likely stay in an area for a really long time. The norm will be to stay in an area for 24 weeks or almost 6 months. 
I already have the Missionary's Little Book of Teaching Tools. I think it might have been Tyler’s. But that is really good that you are sending 2 packages for my birthday. It is also good you won the 4 rounds of golf, and you got the new lawn mower.
Sok Szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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