This week has been a big change with me becoming a trainer and senior companion

May 14, 2018
This week has been a big change with me becoming a trainer. It is my first time being the senior companion yet alone the trainer, so I have to make a lot of the decisions and teach my companion the ropes of missionary work. My companion's name is Montoya Elder and he is from Layton, Utah so my 4 for 4 run of not having a companion from Utah has come to an end. Luckily he knows how to play the piano, so when we hold our piano class I don’t have to pretend to know what I am talking about. We held our piano class after church and 8 members came. It’s great to see they have a desire to learn. Hopefully one of them can become good enough to play during church. 

Montoya and Udy Elder

Also there was a 22-year old man from England who visited our church Sunday. He is Hungarian but works in England and was baptized about a year ago. He came to visit his mom, and it was his first time going to a church in Hungary. He said he didn’t expect to find a congregation because his whole life he had never heard of Mormons. It was cool to talk to him. Also a week ago while talking to people on the street, we met this guy named Tallár, who is a somewhat famous singer. His friend showed us a video of him on You Tube with over 140,000 views, and he also sang us a little song. I guess I can say I met a somewhat famous Hungarian singer.

I made the wings last night. I usually make them twice a week and they are always goooood. Here are pictures from the castle we went to week before last...
Castle in Csókakó we visited last week

View from castle of Csókakó

Csókakó Castle

Udy Elder at Csókakó Castle

Sok szeretettel, 
Udy Elder

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