Highlight of the week was Zone Day

May 28, 2018

The highlight of this week was the Zone Day we had. This week was interviews and since it was the last interview with President Szabadkai, he decided to throw a "Zone Day" for all the zones which meant on Wednesday we went up to Pest as the West zone and met at the Stake Center. It was a nice day of relaxation because all we did was play games, watch a movie, and eat for the entire day. I got to play basketball for the first time in over 6 months so it was great.

Right before my interview I had been playing basketball for over and hour so my face got really red like it always does when I exercise. So when I went into my interview President Szabadkai thought I had a really bad sunburn, haha.

It was kind of sad because it was the last interview with him and the last interview I will have with my mission president in Hungarian (since our new mission president doesn’t speak Hungarian). He gave everyone a CD of some women singing a bunch of church songs in Hungarian which was nice. 

President and Sister Szabadkaí

Other than that nothing else really exciting happened this past week. We met with a lot of investigators, especially older people we found through tracting. 
Church in Veszprém we travel to every week for district meeting

That is really good that I get 2 packages. I will be going to the mission home on Wednesday, so hopefully I will get the first package then. If not, I will be there the following Wednesday too.
Sok szeretettel, 
Udy Elder

1 comment:

We had zone conference last week. My last one.

August 12, 2019 Walking the streets of Pécs Jó reggelt mindenkinek! (Good morning everyone) This past week we had two people in ...