Birthday package, Mountain Dew floats, and More

June 5, 2018
In our city the library is closed the first Monday of every month, so that is why I am emailing on Tuesday instead of Monday. This past week we did a lot of traveling. We went to the mission home in Buda for new missionary training. That was really nice because I got to pick up an early birthday package. Then we went to Veszprém for splits. And there we celebrated my birthday a little bit and opened up all of the stuff in the package. It took awhile because every little thing including all the small butterfingers were wrapped. But I will probably wait to make the brownies with the candles until my actual birthday, and also we made Mountain Dew floats with citrus ice cream. 

Some contents of the birthday package

Udy Elder and Jameson Elder

Since fruit season is starting to come around and there are a lot of cherry trees in the residential neighborhoods, we have been eating a lot of cherries while tracting. It provides a nice treat for us, and I'm excited to see what other kind of fruit trees I can find later. 
Also this last Sunday was a Western Europe Stake Conference Broadcast, which meant we watched a broadcast from Pest for 30 minutes where the stake president spoke and then we watched a broadcast from Germany where Elder Uchtdorf spoke and Elder Patrick Kearon and some other people. It was really good to hear from them. But the person who usually sets up the technical stuff for the branch had to be in Pest because he is the stake technician, so the responsibility eventually got passed down to us missionaries. Luckily everything worked out, and I was able to get everything running with the projector and the computer. 
As for how the branch works with the missionaries, there could be a little more involvement. There is no branch council, and the branch mission leader and the branch president don’t speak to each other about the work. It is really hard to get members to come with us to lessons. I think this is why the stake president visits here often. Anyways, Happy Birthday Mom. I hope you have a good trip to Oregon! 
Sok szeretettel,

Udy Elder

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