We had a police car pull us over

April 23, 2018
Szervusztok mindenkinek,
This past week I got to enjoy the warm weather by not having to wear a suit coat finally, but since it is getting hot and humid I have started to get sweaty through out the day. 

This past week we met with someone who we have been trying to set up an appointment with for over a month. When we met with her, she brought her whole family and had looked up stuff about the church on the internet. She really liked what she read, and we answered a bunch of their questions.  They came to church too which was great because that is always the hardest thing to do here is get people to come to church. And they are coming next week too. 
Yesterday while tracting we had a fun experience. Since there are a ton of 10 story apartment buildings here, we often go tracting to the 10 story apartment buildings. And occasionally people get really mad at us because they don’t know how we get into the building. But if someone lets us in we are allowed to go door to door. One person called the police on us, but that didn’t concern me because I've had the police called on me a handful of times while on my mission, but they have never come because the only thing they can tell the police is there’s 2 Mormon boys going from door to door. But once we got out of the apartment building, we had a police car pull us over. We showed them our documents and we were good to go. I was just surprised they actually came, because from my experience, they never actually come. 
We also got our apartment cleaning check done this week by a senior couple which was nice because that meant we were given some nice cinnamon rolls. Anytime I'm given food and don’t have to cook, it is always a plus.
Udy Elder and Howard Elder
We still teach English class every week. Since there is only one companionship here, it makes English class a little bit harder because we can’t split people up into beginners and proficient’s, so we have to tailor the class to try and fit everyone. I don’t really know what I want for my birthday, hopefully I'll know by Mother's day--maybe a tie or something. Since Mother's day is in two weeks, I think, do you guys have a time preference for Skyping?
Sok Szeretettel,
 Udy Elder

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