We started teaching a piano class

May 2, 2018
A flower field we found near a small village
Yesterday was Labor day here in Hungary, but instead of just taking one day off it is a 4 day holiday so most businesses were closed and our p-day got moved to Wednesday. We also went  to Zone Conference in Budapest last week. It was kind of strange because the mission president was in Germany for a meeting, so it was just us young missionaries at the conference. 
We also helped plan a bowling night for the church, and invited all of our investigators and our potential investigators. And we had quite a few non-members come so that was good. We also started teaching a piano class because there is no one in the church who knows how to play the piano. We got 3 youth to come with the hope that one of them will learn and be able to play during church eventually. We'll see how it goes. 
Another interesting thing about this country is that in addition to celebrating birthdays everyone celebrates their "name day." Everyone’s Hungarian name has a specific date assigned during the year in which everybody with that name celebrates their name. It seems sort of weird to me that everyone with the name Zoltán on March 8th celebrates their name. But I guess it's good because it is another reason to throw a celebration. 
The family we are teaching came to church again last week which was good. On Mother’s Day it should be good to Google hangout in the morning your time.  P-day will be on Tuesday next week since transfers are on Wednesday.  
Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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