Baptists, Muslims, and a Mormon baptism

April 16, 2018
  First things first, we had another baptism this past week. It was Lakatos Zita who is the younger sister of Lakatos Eszter who was our previous baptism. It was on her 9th birthday because she wanted to get baptized on her birthday which meant it was just barley a missionary convert baptism. She was baptized at the same place as her sister, at a local pool because we don’t have a baptismal font. 

Also this week an American Baptist minster, who lives here and is married to a Hungarian, saw us and decided to try and convince us of his ways. According to him salvation comes by grace alone and he said that he could murder someone and he would still be saved because he has faith in Jesus Christ and has accepted him as his Savior. We tried to show him that someone who has faith in Christ would strive to follow him and live by his teachings, and that faith is more than just a passive thing. A person who professes faith in Jesus Christ would not murder anyone, but rather manifest their faith by following his teachings and loving others. It was an interesting conversation to say the least. He also couldn't believe that we speak to people in Hungarian about the gospel every day because he has lived here and has been married to a Hungarian for 5 years and hardly can speak the language. 
Also this week we went on splits again in Dunaújváros. And we ran into the Muslim guys, and just a few hours before I was reading an article or essay in a Church Magazine about the Muslim faith. It was weird because it was the first time I have talked to Muslims here, and I was able to tell them the 5 pillars of the Muslim faith and a bunch of similarities between Mormons and Muslims. 
We also had interviews with President Szabadkai which is always good, and also the Stake President, President Southwick, visited our Branch again. It’s funny because both times the Stake President has visited our branch we have had a confirmation in Church. Maybe he needs to come more often. Now since it is past April 15th, we no longer have to wear suit coats. In our mission from October 15th to April 15th we have to wear a suit coat everyday, but now I can roll around in just a nice flexible white button up shirt. It reminds me of my MTC days cause that was the last time I didn’t have to wear a suit coat.  

Howard, Udy, and ?
I got my wallet back too which was good. We had to go up to a city called Tata for our p-day and there I got my wallet back. If there are any less active members that come to Church, we always try and talk to them and get acquainted with them especially if they are a part-member family. But it’s hard to focus on reactivation because there is no branch mission plan and there is no branch council where we can talk to the Branch President about our work, but we try and make it work. We checked our chalk drawings the next day and it was mostly faded, but it did look good when it was up. That is good that everyone has realized that Noah gets his good looks from me-- I am honored. 😃 I don’t have any pictures this week but next week I should have them.
Sok szeretettel,
    Udy Elder

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