We decided to draw the plan of salvation with chalk downtown

April 9, 2018


This past week we went on splits in Dunaújváros, and it is probably one of the least attractive cities in Hungary. The city used to be called Sztálinváros or (Stalin City). The town was completely built up during communism so everything looks like big square concrete buildings. 
Dunaújváros, Hungary (picture from internet)
Speaking of politics, we accidentally attended an Orbán Viktor rally in Székesfehérvár. Orbán Viktor is the prime minister of Hungary and he was born in Székesfehérvár, so he made his final campaign speech in downtown Székesfehérvár. We had no idea it was going on. We were supposed to meet someone downtown, and when we showed up there was just a huge mass of people waiting for the Prime Minister to come, haha. And it turns out he won again. 

Also we decided to do “Draw the Plan of Salvation" with chalk downtown, and it took us two hours to do it. People were more interested in it while we were drawing with the chalk than after we finished it. I think it was just a strange site to see two men in suits sitting on the ground drawing with chalk.

Our Plan of Salvation chalk drawings

We also have an upcoming baptism this Saturday so that will be exciting to look forward to. Of the members that are active in our branch, I think maybe half of them live in Székesfehérvár and the other half live outside the city. The inactivity rate in this branch is really high. There are only about 25 people who come to church, but there are about 170 members on the branch list. I did not know the Jazz and the Trailblazers were so good this year, and the Cavs are not that good, keep me updated.  Also I did bad because I forgot my wallet on a bus, and now I think it is in a government office in a different town. I’ve been in contact with them, so hopefully I’ll get it back soon.  

- Udy Elder

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