President Hettinger came down to go teaching with us

July 29, 2019

Jó Reggelt Mindenkinek! (Good morning everyone!)

Last Monday President Hettinger, came down to Dunaújváros to be with us for a few hours.
He occasionally goes to different cities to see how the missionaries work is going. He doesn't
speak any Hungarian at all, so he just kind of sits there next to us while we are talking to
people on the street or in a lesson with somebody. Last week we were able to teach 2
referrals from church members from our special Sunday. One of the referrals we taught
Monday night. I never had more members present in a lesson than that one, we had her
member friend, a male we invited beforehand, another woman member who heard about it
and decided to come, President Hettinger and us. We translated everything that was said to
President Hettinger, so he wouldn't feel left out. Our referral was away traveling this weekend
so she wasn't at church, but we are excited to keep teaching her and help her progress.

The other referral we taught is the husband of the branch president's daughter. His wife
comes to church weekly, but last week was the first time he has ever come after being
married for some years. We taught him about faith. Hopefully we should be teaching one
more referral this week that a church member invited to the special Sunday. Also, last week
we scheduled to escort 3 investigators to church, but unfortunately none of them were home
when we showed up at their door haha. But there is always next week, so we will stay faithful. 

We also had a combined MLC (Missionary Leadership Council) with some of the Romanian
missionaries who trained or flew into Budapest. These combined MLCs happen every 12
weeks. I was able to got to the first ever combined MLC last year in August, and I was the
only one from that meeting who went to this one so everyone was a new face. It made me
realize I have been a missionary for a really long time haha. They recently passed a data
privacy law in the European Union making it a lot harder for organizations to keep records of
people's personal information. So in order to comply with this new law, we need to give
everyone we teach a data privacy notice explaining what kind of information we will keep of
them before we make any records of anybody. We haven't started doing it yet, but within the
next month we will have to. 

It seems as if our returning member we have been working with, is going to return for good.
He never made a account before. so we taught a lesson about family history
and the importance of it and then later had him talk to the family search specialist after
church. He also started to pay his tithing, all of which are good signs that he is here to stay.

Another returning member that is making good progress is 'H.". We have visited him a few
times and talked about the importance of church and keeping covenants, and he has come a
couple times since then. In Sunday school he admitted that he needs to come to church,
not just when he needs God in his life.  He should be coming from week to week. We hope to
strengthen him and then hopefully we can help the rest of the family follow his footsteps. 

Sok szerettel,
Udy Elder

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