I decided to only write in my planner in Rovásírás--the old Hungarian alphabet

August 5, 2019

Jó reggelt, (Good morning)

Last week we were able to teach the third referral that came from the special Sunday. She is a neighbor of a member. She is not one for organized religion, and she has some false ideas about Joseph Smith and the history of the church that she read on the internet. So as of now she has quite a lot of concerns, but hopefully we can resolve them.

We found a few new people this week, and a couple of them seem pretty promising so we will see where it goes.

Our mission is doing an English fast next week, which means we don't speak any English throughout the week. This won't be too much of a change for us because Elder Brooks decided in the middle of July that he would only speak Hungarian, so it has gotten pretty normal. 

For my last transfer I decided to only write in my planner in Rovásírás, which is the old Hungarian alphabet that was used before they adopted the Latin alphabet. It reads left to right and looks kind of like Egyptian hieroglyphs. I can write it pretty well but reading it takes a lot of brain power, but I'm slowly getting better. 

"We make countless choices in life, some large and some seemingly small. Looking back, we can see what a great difference some of our choices made in our lives. We make better choices and decisions if we look at the alternatives and ponder where they will lead."
(Elder Dallin H. Oaks) 

Sok szeretettel, (Lots of love)
Udy Elder

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