Smart phones are coming!

March 25, 2019
Szép jó reggelt kívánok mindenkinek! ( I wish you all a good morning)
Things are still going great here in Pápa. We were able to find a lot of new people to teach this past week again. As of now we have 14 pre-planned lessons with investigators for this next week. We should be able to set up a few more. That is a really good number of lessons for missionaries here. We are also meeting with a couple of returning members this week. Needless to say, it will be a very exciting and busy week for us. Hopefully we can bring some people to church for the first time and have a big turnout.

On Tuesday this past week we had to take an hour bus ride to Veszprém so we could register at the county immigration office. We showed up at the office and all of the doors were closed. But they were only closed because they moved their offices to the other side of town. Once we finally made it there, we had to wait about 2 hours in line. It is about as bad if not worse than the DMV. 
Throughout my whole mission there have been rumors that we will get smart phones at some point. But now I think it is actually going to happen some time soon. We got a notification saying that our mission was selected to use mobile devices and we were given instructions on how to use/obtain the smartphones. I don't know when we will be getting them, but it will be exciting.
Our district consists of 4 elder companionships which is great. Every Friday we take an hour train ride to Győr to attend district meeting. After district meeting this week Elder Spencer and Elder Running came for exchanges. Elder Running is also a new missionary and he is from Columbia, Maryland. And he knows everybody like the Folkmans, Bryants. and Koncurats.  
Our apartment is really nice. It is the smallest apartment I have lived in, but at the same time it is the most modern. It even has air conditioning. It is my first apartment with air conditioning. I hope I stay here for the summer so I don't have to suffer in the humidity and heat. 
While tracting this week, we ran into the first baptized members of the church in Pápa. They haven't been active for about 10 years, but they told us all about what the church was like in Hungary in the 1990s which was interesting. They also had a lot of pictures of missionaries from the 90s which was cool. 
We found a video camera so we can do video chat at some time. So if you want we could try for next week 8:00 my time if it works with you.  So far we have been fed once by the Elders quorum president and his wife. He also used to be the district president in the Szombathely district. The branch president said he will invite us over this week for dinner. That is good that Jimmer got back in the NBA. Let me know how he does. 
Üdvözlettel,  (Regards)
Udy Elder
Inside Catholic church in Pápa

1 comment:

  1. Wow, 14 lessons seems like a lot! I bet that smart phone will feel good in your hands even if it is for limited use... I hope you get to enjoy stay where there is AC for the summer, it makes breathing so much easier (for me anyhow) How nice to have found an inactive family too! Sounds like you have brought back some memories to them, sometimes people forget what that spirit feels like...


We had zone conference last week. My last one.

August 12, 2019 Walking the streets of Pécs Jó reggelt mindenkinek! (Good morning everyone) This past week we had two people in ...