We had our "Invite a friend" to church Sunday

Jó Reggelt!
This past week was really good for us.  We had the special “Invite a friend” to church Sunday. It was a really good success.  There were 49 people in attendance which is about 10 more than average.  It was good to see our efforts did not go to waste as we met with and encouraged church members to invite friends, neighbors and relatives to this sacrament meeting.  There were 9 non-members in attendance which was great, six of which the members invited to this sacrament meeting.  We have already set up an appointment with one of the 6 nonmembers in attendance and the other ones are currently in the works.  There was a big potluck afterwards with a lot of homemade Hungarian food which was really good.

Our investigator and her 9-year old daughter came to church for the third time.  Next month they will be moving to Pécs, so we will make sure the teaching transition to the Pécs missionaries goes smoothly.  Also, hopefully we can help with the move.  

This past week we were in Pécs for a baptismal interview and exchanges. Pécs is where my old Hungarian mission president lives, President Szabadkai, and we actually got to see him because there was a Church (Elders Quorum) BBQ. The baptismal interview was also successful which was awesome. 
The returning member we've been working with came to church this week. He was sick last week so he didn't come. He is coming back into activity now which is great. 
Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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