I was made district leader and zone leader

June 10, 2019
Jó Reggelt!  (Good Morning!)
This past week we got to know our new area Dunaújváros. The translation of the city means New Danube City since it is on the Danube. There are a lot of communist era concrete buildings because this city used to be called Stalin's city and was built from the ground up during communism. It doesn't seem that there are any progressing investigators close to baptism here. But we successfully set up a handful of appointments for this week with people we found and with people that were being taught before. There are a few recent converts in our area that we are working with which is good. We met with 1 out of the 3 recent converts so far. We will actually be going with him to visit another recent convert this week which should be good. The third recent convert is studying right now in Budapest, so we don't know too much about her situation. 
I got the short end of the stick and got made district leader as well as zone leader. In our district there are 3 sister companionships and us, so since we are the only elders, one of us has to be district leader. There are 3 zones in Hungary right now and we are over the Budapest Zone. 
People in the mission are just starting to buy smart phones. Since I go home soon I don't need to buy one. The mission might be giving me one, but I still don't know. My companion has one, and I thought I would never see the day that they are finally here. People on the street are a lot more willing to give their Facebook information than give their phone number, so we have been messaging people on Facebook, and we will even have a lesson through Facebook messenger with someone tonight that lives outside of Dunaújváros.  It is also cool because we can share videos in lessons and have a lot better contact with investigators. 

It seems that the branch here is pretty solid. There were about 40 people at church on Sunday. We meet in an actual church building instead of rented space which is nice.  It seems that Branch council and MCM (mission correlation meeting) are both held weekly. Having served in 6 congregations this will be the first one that holds MCM and branch council on a weekly basis, which will be good to help coordinate our work with members. 
Our apartment is decent. It has cool purple walls. Our apartment is pretty far from the church. It is about a 30 minute walk. Right now there are 4 more elders than sister missionaries in Hungary. There are a lot of sister missionaries in the mission right now and not a lot of elders. Right now I was thinking about visiting Budapest, Szeged, and Székesfehérvár when you come. Going to Lake Balaton sounds fun, and I have never been there before so it would be good. 
Sok szeretettel, (Lots of love)
Udy Elder
This was a p-day a couple of weeks ago when we were in Tatabánya. The cave apparently is in a scene in the movie Eragon and the dragon lands in the cave. 
Cave in the movie Eragon

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