I will be going to Dunaújváros with Elder Brooks who is also from the tri-cities

June 4, 2019
Jó Reggelt!  (Good morning)
This past week we had 2 investigators at church. The older woman with a baptismal date was able to make it which was great! She is really committed to being baptized now. She said that only her neighbor knows that she meets with us, but she is going to go tell her Catholic priest that she is going to join our church and let everybody know. The other person who came to church was the Mongolian man. We lost contact with him for about a month, and weren't able to reach him.  He came to church and even bore his testimony during sacrament meeting on how we knows this is Jesus Christ's true church and also about prayer. It seemed the members were impressed by what he said.
We also met with these two young guys that work for a financial company in downtown Pápa. We taught them about the Restoration and then at the end they tried to negotiate contact information of all the people we know in Pápa- I guess that they help people with personal finances and they struggle finding contacts. But it is sort of an invasion of personal data and information. Hopefully they will read and pray about the Books of Mormon we gave them. 
This morning we received transfer calls and Elder Gardner will be staying in Pápa, and I will be going to Dunaújváros with Elder Brooks as a Zone Leader. We will both be new to the area so it should be fun. Also he is from Richland (Tri-cities Washington) which is pretty crazy to think that our families live in the same city and now we will be living together in Hungary.
Dunaújváros is south of Budapest about 50 miles
It is weird to think the mission is slowly coming to a close and that I will be going to my last area, but I am excited to see what is in store for me in Dunaújváros.
Sok szeretettel, (Lots of love)
Udy Elder

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We had zone conference last week. My last one.

August 12, 2019 Walking the streets of Pécs Jó reggelt mindenkinek! (Good morning everyone) This past week we had two people in ...