Zone conference started at the top of Gillért Hill where Pres. Nelson dedicated Hungary for missionary work

May 27, 2019
Jó reggelt! (Good morning!)

This week was good as we continued our work with some returning members and had some lessons with investigators. We were able to set a baptismal date on July 13th for the 80-year old woman we are teaching.

We visited a returning member family. This was our second visit. We went with the Elders quorum president. They live in a city called Mihályháza that is 10 km outside of Pápa. There are 4 kids in the family and everyone is baptized except for the youngest who is only 5 years old, the oldest is 15 . The mom's mom also lives with them, and she is not a member. We had a really good lesson with them where we talked about Joseph Smith and the Restoration. There is currently a problem with their car, so they aren’t able to come to church right now, but they will get it fixed and are planning on attending sacrament meeting in a few weeks when the car is fixed.
We had zone conference this past week. It started at 7 am which was really early. We stayed the night before in Tatabánya-- a city close to Budapest. In the morning we went to the top of Gillért Hill where President Nelson dedicated Hungary for missionary work. It was a cool experience.

View of Budapest from Gillért Hill

Gillért Hill--Budapest

The rest of zone conference was mainly just talking about smart phones and how we will properly use them. Since I leave soon I won’t have to buy one, but the mission will give me one to use until I go home which will be cool. We will be getting them in about a month I believe.  

This will be the last week of the transfer. P-day will be next Tuesday, and I will find out then if I am leaving or not. 

Sok szeretettel, (Lots of love)

Udy Elder

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