We spent a lot of time out of Pápa this week

May 20, 2019
Sziasztok Mindekinek,  (Hi All)
Last week was super busy. We spent a lot of time out of Pápa. We had an exchange in Győr. We met with a returning member who was baptized in 1990, pretty much right when missionaries came into the country. He was one of the first 4 members form Győr, and they would travel all the way to Budapest to attend church on Sunday. It was good to talk to him. He has a nice family and is a wealthy man. It seemed he hasn't had much contact with the church for years, so we talked about all of the new and exciting things and also the importance of the Book of Mormon. This week we also had interviews which was good. 
Yesterday we were able to have a lesson with one of our investigators that went well. She is an 80-year old woman, and she said she wants to be baptized. We did not set a specific date, but we hope to do so in the next lesson. She is  Catholic and still has a lot of Catholic traditions. She loves reading out of the Book of Mormon. She has been to church a couple of times. She does have some health problems that come with age, so sometimes it can be hard for her to get around. But when she is able, she will come to church. 
Also a few returning members that we have been working with came to church which was great.

Bandit was really old and it is good that he got a state of the art burial.  Also everyone will be getting smart phones next month, but I am not required to since I go home in August. Things are going good here and I am grateful I can be here. Hope you all have a good week.
Üdvözlettel: (Best Regards)
Udy Elder

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