The church owns a lot in Budatétény that could be the temple site

April 30, 2019
Today we got our transfer calls and we will both be staying here in Pápa for one more transfer. Not too much exciting happened this past week. We tracted into this older woman whom we taught twice last week, and she ended up coming to church which was great.
This week our English class will start.  We made a bunch of flyers last week and distributed them to people and businesses. We even ran into a couple of high school English teachers and gave them a bunch of flyers to hand out to their students, so hopefully we can get a decent showing at our English class.
There is a place in Budapest called Budatétény where the church owns a lot that could potentially be the temple site, but nothing official has been said. It is right next to a mall that has a really cool aquarium that I went to, so I was able to recognize the place. Apparently last week they started to cut down the trees at the lot with permission, but then the local people started to get mad that the trees were going away, and then the local government said all construction/ demolition has to stop until a resolution is made. It was in the news and the church members were talking about it this past week. 
We are in the Szombathely District, so we didn't get to go to the Budapest Stake Conference. They have District conference twice a year, but it was the week right before we arrived in Pápa, so I won't be able to go. It was the first stake conference that I've missed. I have been to 3 already because I have always served within the Budapest Stake boundaries up to this point. "R" didn't come to church this past week. We are still meeting with her and hoping she will be able to come. Graduation looked like it was fun. That is all for this week.
Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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