In Pápa there is a Calvinist theology where people go who want to become ministers

May 6, 2019

Sziasztok, (Hello)

The past two days it has gotten a lot colder and it has been raining here almost non stop. We had a few people who promised they would come to church, but the rain gave them an excuse not to come. We are still meeting with our investigator that has been investigating the church for years, and earlier was planning on getting baptized in June. But he says his plan now is to get baptized next summer. It is hard to change his mind about this. He said that before he gets baptized he wants to understand the scriptures more and better keep the commandments. We will go over the commandments with him, and hopefully he will see that he is ready.

Since our p-day was on Tuesday last week, we were able to go to 2 of the 3 places you can sightsee in Pápa because they are always closed on Mondays. We went to a blue dye museum that is in Pápa. It shows how to dye fabric with all of the old machinery of the 1800s. We also visited a church/museum that is run by the Református (Calvinism) Church. They had an Egyptian exhibit that included a mummy which was cool, and then they also took us on a little tour.

In Pápa there is a Református (Calvinist) theology where people go who want to become ministers. Every once in a while we will run into some of the students that go there, and it is usually an interesting conversation. Whenever we try and talk about new revelation and the Book of Mormon, they always shut it down on the basis that the Bible contains everything that one needs. To which we respond that If the Bible contains everything that one needs, then why is it that so many churches exist and why does each church interpret the Bible in a different way? They respond that it is the "work of mankind" which is exactly what our message is about-- that Christ's true church has been restored by the work of God not man. But it saddens us because even after this, they still refuse to learn more.

The Message of the Restoration

I have been really bad with pictures. I can probably google hangout Sunday, but when is good for you since you have church? Would 4 or 5 pm my time work which would be 7 or 8 am your time? About the smartphones, I have heard that those of us leaving in August won't need to buy the smartphones, that the end of August is the real cut off date, but I don't know for sure.  We will have to wait and see.

Sok szeretettel, (Lots of love)
Udy Elder

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