The Ritz Carlton wants to supply its rooms with Books of Mormon

February 4, 2019
Jó reggelt! (Good morning)
The Warner's who were serving in the MTC with these missionaries came to Hungary for a visit

This past week one of our new investigators came to church. He is a 35 year old man who we found through English class. One of the people who regularly comes to English class invited him. It was his first time attending church this week. We taught him earlier in the week about the Restoration. He thinks deeply about religion and we have been providing answers to his questions.  But it turns out he lives on the other side of Budapest (The Pest side) across the river, so we will probably have to hand him over to other missionaries.
This past week we got a very big list from the Buda ward Bishopric of people we should reach out to and try to contact. I believe there are over 500 people on the ward list, and a lot of them are inactive, so there is a lot of work to be done.    
This past week I have had some fun emails to respond to while in the office. There is a Ritz Carlton hotel in Budapest that wants to supply all of its rooms with copies of the Book of Mormon. They are a subsidiary of Marriott.  I have been talking to them to work out the details and later we will have to go and deliver a couple hundred copies of the Book of Mormon to them. Also there is a school in Budapest that invited us to come and speak a little bit during "information day." 
In a couple weeks Elder Sabin will be coming to visit our mission. He is in the Quorum of the Seventy, and he was here in October when Elder Cook came and visited us. Elder Sabin also serves in the Europe Area Presidency.  This also means that we need to plan everyone's travel. He will be in Romania for a day and then he will be in Hungary. After he visits all of the missionaries in Romania and Hungary there will be a Mission Leadership meeting so some Romanian missionaries will need to travel to Hungary.  It will be good to hear from him and see what he has to say to us and our mission.  
We have been teaching English class every week. I have been teaching the beginner class. We usually answer all of their questions and try to teach them grammar principles and we help them practice the grammar principles during class. Happy Birthday Dad! If you haven’t already I think you need to buy 53 oysters to celebrate. I am sending something in the mail that I meant to send in December, but I never got around to it.
Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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