New office space, driving certification, and stake conference

November 13, 2018
Jó reggelt! (Good morning)
This was a crazy week and we did a lot of stuff. Since we got a new Senior couple in the office, that meant we had to be kicked out of our previous space and create more office space. So we turned the old little lobby that used to be next to the mission office into our new office space. We had to move a bunch of stuff. And we saw that we have extra computer monitors in storage that no one is using, so we decided why not have 2. So now we each work with 2 computer monitors, and it is great. Two monitors makes it a lot easier to look at different windows at the same time.

My Desk

Our new work space

Also we got 2 new APs that came to the office this week, so it will be nice to get to know them. One is from Nevada (McCann) and the other is from Australia (Fales). Also we have been watching the driving videos with the new APs, so we can all get certified to drive here. President said I will probably be here in the office for a long time, so he wants me driving. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but for some reason I have been sentenced to prison (the office). In Hungary if you are a foreigner that immigrates with a driver’s license you have one year to drive. If you have been in the country over a year, you have to cross the border and come back to be eligible to drive. So sometime soon we will be taking a road trip to Romania which will be fun. 
This week we taught another person who lives in Romania over Skype. He is a native Hungarian and his wife was baptized earlier this year. He really enjoyed our lesson and has happy to be able to speak in Hungarian because he only knows a little Romanian. It is too bad we don't have any Hungarian speaking missionaries in those parts of Romania where there are a lot of Hungarians, but maybe one day. We also had stake conference this week. I have been lucky and have served in areas under the stake my entire mission, and this is the 3rd Hungary Budapest Stake conference that I've attended. It was exciting because there was a patriarch who was called. Hungary has gone a few years without having a patriarch so it was really exciting for everyone.  (What is a patriarch? click here)  Also I got to see a bunch of people, including a girl named Neli, who I started to teach in Székesfehérvár who was baptized last week.  

Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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