We took a 2 1/2 hour trip to the Romanian border

November 19, 2018
Jó reggelt mindenkinek!  (Good morning everyone)
Life in the office has pretty much stayed the same, except we took a road trip to Romania this week. Both of the new APs and I needed permission to drive because in Hungary if you have been inside the country for longer than a year then your drivers license is no longer valid. But all you have to do is cross the border and get your passport stamped, and then you are all good to go. So we took a 2 1/2 hour trip to the Romanian border, and then just turned around at the closest exit. On our way back we had lunch in Szeged, my previous area, which was nice. I just need to fill out some paperwork and then I should be good to drive. 
Hungarian/Romanian border
Before the Hinckleys, the new senior couple, came to the office we wrote a list of all the things we do so President Hettinger could allocate our responsibilities. But I guess I got the short end of the stick or something because all of my responsibilities stayed the same, which means my work load hasn’t changed. Last p-day President Hettinger took us out to lunch at a nice Indian restaurant and then we went to some Labyrinths in Budapest, where Dracula stayed for a time when he was imprisoned. It was pretty cool.   
With all of the stuff we do in the office we manage to teach a handful of people. These are some of the people we have been teaching lately.  
'I', she has been to church 2 times, she is about 60 years old.  We have seen her faith grow. 
'P' is a man who lives in Romania, and we teach him over Skype. His wife is a recent convert and was baptized earlier this year.

'S', he has been to church once, he is a police officer in Budapest, about 30 years old. He has been gone and traveling for the past few weeks so we haven't been able to meet with him but we have stayed in touch through Facebook. He has a Book of Mormon and apparently read the entire book. I even saw that he posted a picture of himself with the Book of Mormon on Facebook. 
The house looks really good, and that must be tiring to paint all those tall walls. That would be interesting if Tyler got a job in Seattle. Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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