Yesterday was my birthday

June 18, 2018
Yesterday was my birthday. It is crazy to think that I turned 20 years old. We didn't do too much to celebrate, but I did manage to make some American brownies and blow out 20 candles.
20th birthday brownies

I also decided to buy myself a birthday gift which was just a dictionary. But a really good dictionary.  Sometimes I would write down a word I heard and go look it up, but it wouldn’t be in the dictionary. So I decided I needed a bigger one
. It has 3 times the amount of words as the dictionary they gave us in the MTC.  In Hungarian there are over 18 different cases that can be put on the end of a noun and sometimes it is hard to know exactly what specific case is used for a specific verb.  And this dictionary tells you the cases to use and when, and it provides examples. It cost $32, and I only bought the Hungarian to English because it is a lot more useful for me. 
My new dictionary

The new mission president is coming on July 1st and it will be exciting to see all the changes. Apparently he negotiated to shorten the Hungarian MTC stay to 6 weeks instead of 9 weeks so we can be on 6-week transfers like Romania--which is kind of ridiculous because Hungarian speakers used to spend 12 weeks in the MTC and now it is only going to be 6, they are really not going to know anything when they come here. Also this week is the Baptismal Interview for our Investigator, which will be good to look forward to.  
Now you two are grandparents and have no teen-age kids, just another milestone of being old, haha. That looks like you are both having fun traveling around Canada and the Rockies and the rodeos. That would be fun to travel the vast Canadian wilderness sometime. Ginger emailed me and asked if she can take us out to dinner, but sadly I won’t be going to Budapest this week.  But I am looking forward to my second package. And happy father's day dad even though it was yesterday, I have been using the pen you sent me everyday and I have gotten a few comments from people saying how nice of a pen it is. 

Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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