Baptismal date and referral

June 11, 2018

Last week we traveled to Budapest for zone conference. It was the third Wednesday in a row we had something in Budapest. I made the mistake of sitting next to a senior missionary couple so I had to translate, but only when President Szabadkai talked because everyone else just speaks English during the meeting. We learned about working with Ward and Stake leaders which was good to learn because it has probably been the hardest thing to incorporate during my mission.  
We also taught a lesson to one of our investigators, who has been to church a few times, and now she has a baptismal date for July 7-- the last Saturday of the transfer.  She said she wants to get baptized in a river so we have to start searching for a river around here.  Also at church there was an American family with 3 teenage boys which was really cool. They are taking a trip around Eastern Europe and decided to stop in for church.
This past week we also received a media referral which means that someone was on the internet and was interested in receiving a free Book of Mormon and meeting with missionaries. This almost never happens here, so it was really cool when it did.  We contacted him, and we are meeting with him in a village outside Székesfehérvár this week. 
Today for p-day we visited an old palace called, Károlyi Kastély with a church member. I have a few pictures of it. It served as a home for a wealthy Hungarian family in the 19th century. But now part of it is a hotel and a restaurant so maybe next year we can stay a night at it. 
Károlyi Kastély

I have Montoya Elder lead most of the lessons and make a lot of phone calls because the more you talk the better the language becomes. Hopefully I will have more pictures next week and I can manage to make the brownies for my birthday. 
Sok szeretettel,
 Udy Elder

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